- Intranet VPN的划分; For instance : setting DMZ, dividing the Intranet VPN;
- 排由两个或多个分排组成,通常由一名中尉指挥的军队中连的划分 A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.
- 基于VPN的动态选择应用层过滤技术 An Automatic Mechanism to Redirect Incredible Flow to Content-Filtering Proxy Base on General VPN
- 航天公司内联网VPN的体系结构及安全 The Systematic Framework and Security of Intranet VPN in Aero-jinsui
- 孙岩,韩克从.1985.断裂构造岩带的划分[M].北京:科学出版社. SUN Yan, HAN Ke-cong. 1985. Division of Tectonites in Fault Zone [M]. Science Press, Beijing (in Chinese).
- 基于VPN的国际货代企业Intranet建设 VPN Based Intranet Construction of International Freight Forwarder Enterprise
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。 With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 要建立与VPN的连接,请按照下列步骤操作 To set up a connection to a VPN, follow these steps
- 答:军政、训政、宪政三个时期的划分,原是孙中山先生说的。 Answer: Dr. Sun Yat-sen originally envisaged the three stages of military rule, political tutelage and constitutional government.
- 基于VPN的企业内联网 The Intranet based on VPN
- 一种基于VPN的安全电子邮件 A Gateway Model Based on VPN for Secure E-mail System
- 基于VPN的NT网间远程接入 Remote Access between NT Networks Based on VPN
- IP地址在子网中的划分 Classification of IP Address in Subnet Mask
- 章节法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大 A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article.
- 基于IPSec协议VPN的AAA管理的研究与开发 The Research and Development of AAA Management Based on IPSec in VPN
- 图的划分 Graph Partition
- 界限的划分是我们党的十一届三中全会,这次会议确定了一系列新的方针和政策。 The turning point was marked by the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee,which defined a series of new principles and policies.
- VLAN的划分 VLAN configuration
- 社会阶层的划分 the segmentation of social classes
- 阶级的划分 class division